Frequently Asked Questions

  • What Type of Training Techniques Do You Use?

    We combine lure/reward (e.g., with food or toy), approximation (shaping), capturing, and modeling. All methods are force-free and recommended as the best method depending on the dog and owner’s capabilities.

  • Does My Dog Need to Be Evaluated to Sign-Up for Courses?

    Evaluation prior to joining one of our classes is usually unnecessary in the vast majority of cases. Since we’ve been in operation since 1997, we’ve pretty much seen all the various behaviors that dogs are likely to exhibit.

  • What Are the Training Classes Size Limits?

    We take up to 8 dogs per class for our puppy and teens class. Other courses may have different availabilities, but the available spots are indicated in the classes’ information section.

  • Can You Work with Dogs Exhibiting Aggressive Behaviors?

    We do not take dogs with serious aggression issues indicating they intend to injure another animal or person. However, we can provide support and direction for aggression-related behaviors such as object/food guarding and reactivity. In some instances, we can refer dogs with more severe aggression issues to facilities more suited to dealing with such serious problems.

  • Can I Bring 2 Dogs to the Same Class?

    For those families looking to bring two dogs for training at the same time, we always suggest the dogs take separate classes, but if that’s not possible, we will take both dogs into the same class as long as each dog has its own different handler.

  • Can the Whole Family Attend the Class?

    Since our dogs are considered family members, we are happy to have all human family members attend. If you are attending with younger children, please ensure they have adequate supervision and do not interact with any dog except their own.

  • Do Classes Have Playtime?

    There is scheduled, supervised playtime in the Puppy HeadStart class. Beyond that class, we expect dogs to see WonderDogs as a place to work with their owners, whether learning basic manners or having fun in a sports class, so no playtime is allowed.

  • Do You Provide Off-Leash Training?

    We do not. However, since we do not use our leashes to correct the dogs, many dogs function very well off-leash in a permissible and safe environment.

  • Can You Accommodate Variable Owner Availability?

    Depending on your schedule, we try our best to accommodate you if you occasionally change days/times.

  • Can We Video the Class?

    Yes! If that helps you to remember or you’d like to share what you’ve learned with others, please do a video or take notes. Our goal is to help as many dogs become successful family pets, so we encourage sharing useful information with others who might benefit from it, but please don’t post any of your videos of class on social media.

  • Why is the First Class Completed Without the Dog Present?

    We want you to concentrate on the volume of information we will be providing. While we love having your dogs here, they can present a distraction during this hour-long “lecture,” so it’s best they stay home for the first week. At orientation, you will be provided with homework to practice for when you come the following week with your dog.

  • Do You Provide Housetraining?

    Not unless we move in with you! We can advise you on how to get housetraining done quickly and efficiently, but your dog has to learn to adapt to your household, your schedule, and your routine, which means that you need to undertake this process at home with our help by supplying the information you need to get the job done.

  • What Happens if I Miss a Class?

    If you miss an occasional class and there is another class on the same schedule, we will invite you to attend that class if possible. If it is not possible, one of our instructors will meet with you at a mutually convenient time to catch you up on what you missed.

  • Do You Provide Boarding While Training?

    We do not because we believe training is most effective by building a strong, trusting, respectful bond between owner and dog, not the instructor and dog. You and your dog need to become a team and learn to communicate effectively.

  • Can I Enroll My Dog if They Tend to Bark a Lot?

    We have indeed contended with many vocal dogs over the years. We may utilize visual barricades, suggest games to work on while in class, or other techniques to minimize your dog’s excitement level.

  • What if I Don’t Want to Use Food for Training Purposes?

    If your dog is willing to work for something other than food, that’s fine. However, if you can’t motivate your dog to comply in the earlier stages of training, this might not be the right school for you. Since we don’t punish or intimidate the dogs using harsh techniques, food is helpful to encourage good behavior and obtain reliable early results.

  • Can you Accommodate Different Human/Dog Learning Styles?

    Yes, we address each exercise by explaining it, demonstrating it with a student’s dog so you can see it done, and watching. At the same time, you practice during class with assistance from our instructors as necessary. Once the class is finished, you will be given written homework with the steps needed to accomplish your goal.

Request information or ask for professional advice from our team – call our team at 856-767-6464.

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