Dog's Health

Excercise & Dietary Information

Normal, healthy dogs need substantial exercise to stay mentally and physically fit. Dogs with sufficient daily exercise are easier to manage, are less destructive, and develop fewer bad habits. Our premise is that tired dogs are well-behaved and produce happy owners.

Before you begin any new exercise program, please ensure your dog has had a recent physical checkup and is in good health and physically sound. If there are any medical issues, exercise should be adapted to meet the dog's needs safely.

A brisk walk on a leash may be great exercise for a miniature Dachshund but be inadequate for a young German Shepherd Dog. Owners sometimes tire after a one-mile walk, but the dog considers it a warm-up. Increasing your speed, walking up hills, and increasing distance may improve your dog's exercise if walking on a leash is its primary form of physical activity.

Using a long line (30-50') that the dog can trail in a safe area like a field or playground allows the dog to romp and run but enables the owner to stop the dog from running off simply by stepping on the line. This can improve the quality of the exercise the dog is getting. If you are elderly, disabled, or your dog outweighs you, this may not be the best technique for you to use.

Gradually increase your dog's stamina by slowly increasing the speed and distance they are walking. This can allow you to run with the dog. Running is great aerobic exercise for both of you.

Occasionally, it seems challenging to know the adequate amount of exercise for any dog. This is best determined by trial and error. The "right" amount gets the dog to settle afterward and does not get him revved up and out of control. Click here for some ideas for physical and mental exercise for your pet. Some suggestions require that you participate as well. Others are suitable for owners with exercise restrictions or any owner contending with bad weather or when time doesn't allow for more aerobic activity. Even if you cannot run, bike, or swim with your pet, you can exercise your dog sufficiently. And remember, tired dogs are much better behaved! That's a huge plus, especially when dealing with a high-energy puppy or adolescent dog.

Diet & Nutrition

At WonderDogs, we endorse a healthy diet for your dog. Healthy feeding can:

  • Clear up dry, itchy skin and chronically inflamed ears
  • Restore natural energy levels
  • Maintain a healthy immune system
  • Prevent obesity
  • Increase life expectancy and general well being

Additional Links:

Clients often ask about appropriate vaccination schedules for their dogs. Click this link for a suggested vaccine schedule as outlined by Dr. W. Jean Dodds. Dr. Dodds is an internationally recognized authority on thyroid issues in dogs and blood diseases in animals. In the mid-1980's she founded Hemopet, the first nonprofit animal blood bank. Dr. Dodds is a grantee of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and author of over 150 research publications. Through Hemopet, she provides canine blood components and blood-bank supplies throughout North America, consults in clinical pathology, and lectures worldwide.

General Information & Links

You can count on us for quality dog training services – call now at 856-767-6464.

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